Normandy was a brave act of valour and military intelligence

by Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai

I lived and studied in Europe for ten years. During the period, I travelled extensively, cross-crossing the continent from the Soviet Union to Britain. Each time I remember the history of the Second World War, I keep wondering how European Intelligence formations did not know about the amazing war machine the Nazi/Fascist regime were assembling until they hit Warsaw. Winston Churchill said “Warsaw saw war and was no more”

So, all the speeches about bravery during wars sound hollow to me. The men and women are dead and buried with no hope of resurrection. Let there be no more wars!! I am never impressed by the poetic speeches and eulogies. Let there be no more propagation of bitter words, denigrations of other nations, eternally fault-finding and dictating to other nations the only truth, everyone must accept.

From historical experience, these gospels on how the world should be run, have proved to be critically unsynoptic, false and have led to death and social dislocations around the world. Yet, we fail to learn from our inaccurate evaluations propelled by arrogance and subjective commentaries.

While there was apparent failure of military intelligence in Europe, the act of one Russian intelligence officer, saved the Soviet Union. Dr Richard Sorge was a Russian intelligence officer, who managed to study sociology in Berlin. He joined the German Foreign Ministry and was later posted to Japan.

At a diplomatic party, he overheard the German Ambassador telling the Japanese Foreign Minister, that Germany would invade the Soviet Union. As a trained military intelligence officer, he radioed the message to Stalin.

It is important to appoint trained, well-educated and learned citizens to key posts, not gubernatorial-sponsored party nit-wits, who sleep on the job.!!!
It is intriguing to watch the new Polish/American friendship. Without the Soviet Union, Poland would have still lain in ruins. I remember living in a Soviet-built massive building donated to Poland by the Soviet Union, before we met the Bishop of Cracow in 1966.

The Poles benefited from Soviet patronage. Evidence abound.
There is this cliche and ignorant assertion about the collapse of COMMUNISM. The Russians, who were carrying the burden of anti-imperialist struggles in what was left of Eastern Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, Cuba, China, decided to put pressure on Gorbachov to declare glasnoct and perestroika in 1986. Yeltsin led the movement that toppled reluctant Gorbacov.

The dissolution of the Soviet Union is not the same thing as the collapse of communism, which is thriving in China, with former anti-Communist states going cap in hand to beg Communist CHINA for colossal loans and economic ties. WHAT HIPPOCRISY!!!

Russia’s prosperity after easing itself of the burden of unity,solidarity and internationalism has been phenomenal.
Madeline Albright still thinks that Communism is “not working”. She knows better, but since she has been singing that song for decades, it is to late to face the new reality.

Russia’s prosperity is wedged upon the infrastructure communist rule firmly established from 1950. If Cuba had not been put on a footing of dislocation and non-cooperation, communism there would have succeeded. They are still on.
Wars, social antagonisms, ideological extremism, raw hatred for leaders, who are adjudged on the other side of the ideological divide and be the subject of regime change, is the thinking that has led to the deaths of some leaders and the destruction of other people’s cities.

Bernard Levy, the French philosopher, who strikes me more as an actor, defended Ghaddafi’s murder. He must applaud the Tuareg revolution, the spread of mayhem in the Maghreb, in Mali and in Nigeria, where displaced Ghaddafi’s dependents are are fighting. He must put the post-Ghaddafi Libyan tumult ,in bombastic philosophical anecdote

WHERE ARE THOSE LEADERS, WHO THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE gods. The y are gone with the wind. Others too will.

Let there be no more celebrations of evil doings. Let there be no more bitter words, ridiculing and finding faults with other people’s way of life. There are people and institutions, who serve the anti-christ, without knowing it.
One generation passeth and another generation of political vipers cometh, but the Earth abideth for ever. So what is the joy about. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What does it profit a politician if after serving the anti-christ and the Luciferian Hierarchy, he is condemned to Hell fire, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth?


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