Papacy, the Occults, America and New World Order

by Eferovo Igho

During the early years of the USA there was a struggle by the higher initiates of Freemasonry to advance the occult revolutionary cause, including great figures such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. These men had close contacts with Europe Freemasonry and the revolutionary movement that instigated the French Revolution. The horrors of the French Revolution opened the eyes of many to the extreme elements of Freemasonry. Additionally, a great blow was dealt to Freemasonry by the exposures in 1826 of Morgan, who openly published the secrets of Freemasonry. He was promptly murdered by fellow Masons, but the cat was out of the bag and it caused many to renounce Freemasonry in the USA. Subsequently, an anti-Masonic movement strengthened the laws and constitutional position of the USA. The occult societies nevertheless continued to grow and exert great power in the USA today. The Freemasons, Jesuits and Romanists also greatly increased their numbers despite internal differences.

Papal Ambition in North America
The Church of Rome tried to gain a dominant position in the USA by means of mass immigration from large Romanist communities in Quebec and Ireland to the new territories of the USA. A French speaking Romanist community was also planned in Illinois to ultimately dominate the Mid-West of the USA. However, the Lord remarkably opened the eyes of, Chiniquy, the founder of this community and many others to see the light of the Gospel, causing the plan to backfire, affecting all of the USA, in that Chiniquy spread the message to all French speakers in the USA and in Canada. It dealt a heavy blow to the Church of Rome in North America.

Another ploy to gain Rome’s dominance in North America was the military intervention in 1863 of the French Emperor Napoleon III, that overthrew the Mexican republic and transformed it into a Romanist empire ruled by an Austrian Archduke. This empire collapsed in a revolution in 1867. However, it’s no coincidence that Napoleon’s expedition in Mexico occurred at a critical period in the America Civil War.

The Jesuits and the Church of Rome were working to subvert the USA, and in particular its Constitution that was largely based on the principles of the Gospel, with the freedom it entails. Rome also had a great adversary in Abraham Lincoln. He was originally a lawyer in Illinois who ably defended Chiniquy in 1856 against the Jesuits and the corrupt Romanist Bishop of Chicago. On numerous occasions they brought Chiniquy before the courts on false charges, but Lincoln publicly exposed the schemes of the priests in open court. Chiniquy warned him that it might still cost him his life…

A few years later Lincoln became President of the USA; this was at a time when the issues dividing the USA were coming to a head, including the great question of abolition of slavery. The Church of Rome helped to stir up and encourage much of the division that led to the outbreak of civil war in 1861. The Pope was quick to recognize the rebel Confederate States. Following the Pope’s public support of the Confederacy, multitudes of Romanist soldiers in the Unionist army of President Lincoln deserted to the Confederacy. Despite this and the threatening presence of the French army in Mexico, the Unionist army was finally victorious in 1865 after very heavy loss of life.

A few days after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits, as Chiniquy had warned they were planning to do. Lincoln, as a Christian, believed that his stand, especially against and the designs of the papacy to destroy liberty in the Americas, was line with Biblical principles. He also knew that his stand might cost him his life. Chiniquy presented compelling evidence that the Church of Rome ordered and instigated the Lincoln’s murder, aided by the Jesuits. Despite executing its revenge against Lincoln, the policies of the Church of Rome towards the USA lay in tatters, as they did in Europe.

Loyola and the Illuminati
We have seen that the Knights Templars secretly propagated occult rites under the authority of the Pope, and that they were suppressed in the 14th century. After this they carried on their work under other names in great secrecy. One such that deserves special attention is the Illuminati, also known as the “Alumbrados” in Spain. Loyola came to control the Illuminati before founding the Jesuit order. The Illuminati secretly became the most important branch of the Jesuit order. Modern day Jesuits also remained inextricably rooted in the occult – and allied to and at the service of the Church of Rome. Weishaupt formed the group called the “Illuminati” in 1776. It was an occult society linked to Freemasonry. Weishaupt’s planned to use a facade of Christianity to attract influential well-intentioned Christians into his ranks. Professing Christians at lower levels were taught that the Illuminati were working for Christian unity throughout the world. However, Weishaupt and a select few were in reality hatching a satanic plot to bring in his own version of the Occult New World Order, with a return to nature and the establishment of “reason” as man’s religion. This was to be achieved by the total destruction of existing society, government, monarchies and religion by means of revolution and anarchy. Only the highest initiates of the Illuminati knew about these objectives.

It seems that Weishaupt had been a Jesuit all along. The name of his apparently new society, the Illuminati, was the same as that which Loyola belonged to and had placed under the cover of the Jesuits. The similarities between the Illuminati and the Jesuits were in any case, remarkable. Firstly, the underlying principle of Weishaupt’s Illuminati was identical to that of the Jesuits, namely that the ends justify the means. They believed that violent revolution and destruction of lives, property and society itself was justified – if it brought in a new model society. Secondly, the Illuminati used the Jesuit practice of infiltration. Weishaupt secretly placed members of the Illuminati within the highest levels of financial and government circles in Europe. Furthermore, it is important to note that Weishaupt formed the Illuminati shortly after the suppression of the Jesuits, and that Jesuits were among his recruits.

The French Revolution
Weishaupt’s Illuminati quickly gained ground, which is not surprising, given its connections with powerful Jesuits and European Freemasonry. The first target of Weishaupt’s revolution strategy was the destruction of the French monarchy. It largely served as revenge for France’s suppression of the Jesuits.

In 1782 the Illuminati and Freemasonry in Europe were officially united. From this point the illuminized Freemasonry moved to Frankfurt, which was a great financial center of Germany. There they became closely linked with leading financiers – of whom some also had links to the Vatican.

As some of these leading financiers were Jewish, the wrong conclusion was drawn that the Jews were behind the Illuminati and subsequent revolution movements. It is not true, the Bible shows that many nations, including Israelites, fell prey to the false religion of Babylon. Erroneous claims about Jewish conspiracies have been the source of anti-Semitic propaganda since the days of Weishaupt. This “error” was used extensively by the Nazis.

The state of Bavaria got wind of Weishaupt’s activities, and here the union of the Illuminati and Freemasonry proved crucial for the survival of the plot. In 1786 the Bavarian authorities raided the houses of leading Illuminati and captured many incriminating documents, although Weishaupt himself managed to escape. They banned the Illuminati and sent out warnings about the revolution plot to other nations in Europe. Tragically,

the warnings from Bavaria were ignored. The Illuminati and Freemasonry had already merged and spread its evil in financial circles and influential government officials throughout Europe. Within a few years the anarchy of the French Revolution was unleashed.

Despite the aim of creating a new model society out of the ruins of France, that was then to spread the revolution abroad, the devastating effect on French society and the economy caused the revolution to effectively burn itself out. However, out of the ruins arose Napoleon (also a Freemason), who lead France and Europe towards a new order which followed the pattern of the Roman Empire. He permitted the re-building of the Church of Rome in France, but did not allow it to exert power over the civil government.

Note that the motto of the French Revolution, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” was of Masonic origin. The occult notion of liberty is one of freedom from all moral constraints. In the Mysteries the title given to Dionysus was “Eleuthereus,” and to Bacchus was given the similar title “Liber.” These come from the Greek and Latin respectively, but both mean “free.” From there the gross immorality we find in the worship of Bacchus.

Another symbol of the French Revolution that has been adopted ever since by Socialists and Communists, was the red flag – the color symbolizing blood and fire in the Mysteries.

Strange Interconnections
There is evidence that Marx was led into Communism through being initiated into Satanism and illuminized Freemasonry. Like Weishaupt, he had a great hatred of God and religion. Socialist revolution was just an end to fight against that which they hated. Here Satanism and atheism are companions. It is most extraordinary that Marx and Engels, who wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1800’s, were actually coached and directed by Jesuits priests.

An example of the Jesuit connection with revolution is the actions of Napoleon III. He came to power as a socialist, but his revolutionary Masonry strangely turned towards the Jesuits and the Church of Rome once he was the head of the French government – Jesuit infiltration must have caused this.

Another peculiar coincidence is seen in the occult society, the Ku Klux Klan that was formed by Confederate Army officers after their defeat in the America Civil War. They protested against the freeing of black slaves. However, in its racist attacks and propaganda, it was closely linked to Nazism. The Ku Klux Klan is also of Masonic origin and is an open opponent of the Church of Rome – although it is alleged that the organization was established by Romanists and then controlled by Jesuits. Its main aim is to discredit Protestants, by preaching racial hatred and violence whilst calling itself a Protestant organization. They are also Holocaust deniers.

Not only the Vatican supported the Confederacy, the Freemasons did as well, including the Leading occultist and Mason, Albert Pike. The symbolism of the Ku Klux Klan is also striking. They have the fire-cross as a symbol, which is a symbol of the god Tammuz. It is most noteworthy that the Church of Rome at this time in the 19th century used the fire-cross in its Easter worship at St. Peter’s. The name Ku Klux Klan is derived from the Greek word “kuklos,” which means circle. The circle is a Mysteries symbol for the sun god, which is widely used in the Church of Rome, Freemasonry and witchcraft. (Back to Festivals#fire-cross)

The Jesuit oath = occultic, viz. performed under a yellow and white Papal banner and a black banner with a dagger and a red cross above a skull and cross bones with the initials I.N.R.I. with its meaning underneath: “Icstum Nacar Reges Impios” – “it is just to annihilate impious rulers.” [Biblically, these initials represent the Roman inscription above Christ’s head, meaning, “Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews.”

On the floor is a Red Cross upon which the postulant candidate kneels. Their superior hands him a mall black crucifix which he takes in his left-hand and presses to his heart and the Superior at the same time presents him a dagger which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart…

For the sake of propriety we’ll omit the awful and violent declarations that are made in the oath itself, which ends with a blood oath similar to Freemasonry. Another scene in which the occult/Romish rites merge, is provided by photographs from a French Carmelite Convent, viz. A nun praying in front of a cross and human skulls. This publication also exposes unspeakable acts of cruelty carried out at convents.

Union of American and European illuminized Freemasonry
The union came from collaboration between Pike and Mazzini in the creation of a new supreme rite, the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (1870). Pike became the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and arch-revolutionary and Communist, Mazzini, the Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Pike set out a terrible plan for revolution and world war in 1871. This devilish plan to re-establish the Mysteries and the worship of Lucifer shows that the Occult does not only use a facade of Christianity, but also operates under the cover of atheism.

Meanwhile in Rome, Pope Pius IX under the influence of the Jesuits put forward decrees in 1864 trampling on all freedom of religion and expression, restating absolute power of the Church of Rome over the whole world. In 1870, following the loss of the Pope’s temporal power over the Kingdom of Italy, the decree of Papal infallibility was made – a copy ascribed to the Sovereign Pontiffs of the ancient Babylonian Mysteries.

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