Evidently, there have been and there are still many failed world leaders, who, advertently or inadvertently, were and are the architects of the misery of nations in this universe of man.
There are immediate and compelling reasons why the United Nations Organization, though very ineffective in regulating world crisis, should review its domestic jurisdiction clause.
After the Second World War, UN member states decided that there was need to prevent big powers from intervening or interfering in the internal affairs of weak states for ideological or geo-political reasons.
So, in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, they legislated that “All member states shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
However, the Charter restricted the United Nations from intervening in matters within the domestic jurisdiction of member states….
Since the world society is very dynamic and the present world differs from the post Second War World, and evidence shows that self-appointed judges of how the world should be run, have scored critical misjudgments in various states, their interventions are no longer fashionable nor necessary.
However, in the last twenty years, many Heads of States in Africa and Asia, having deceived their people through vague electoral promises, got to power by hook or crook, only to display wanton ineptness, cluelessness, mendacious knowledge of statecraft, which have led their states inexorably into disasters.
When confronted about their disastrous governance, they resort to wanton violations of human rights enshrined, even in their own state’s constitutions.
Goaded by chorus boys, men and women, who seek fortune, these leaders sit tight, trying every political maneuvers, which their puny brains can design.
So, the peoples’ expectations often “darken into anxiety, anxiety in dread and dread into despair” Ogali Ogali,” Veronica My Daughter.”
Instead of thinking about how to remedy their incompetence, or admit of failure and quit, they begin to design both unfair and murderous strategies to “deal” with the population, especially those compatriots, who know better.
This iconoclastic and despotic approach sets their nations inevitably on the boil.
Belatedly, the inept UNO comes out with worn-out clichés on how the parties should get to the conference table with bloodied hands of innocent citizens,
Annoyingly and surprisingly, both the national and international press, their editors and producers, report the ghoulish enterprises, with glee, as stories, as veiled entertainment!
These are the same journalists, who eulogized non-performing “leaders”. They now carry banner headlines calling for fermented peace.
I am aware that these things are to happen in the era of the preparations, before the anti-christ unleashes vehemence on the sons and daughters of God.
Same-sex marriage protagonists in high places, the licentiousness being promoted amongst youths through scanty dressing, lurid and dirty dancing, gambling, smoking pot, killings in institutions around the world, no longer shock the deaden conscience of social humans, as they approach the Sodom and Gomorrah state of debauchery.( See Emmanuel Omoh Esiemokhai,”Disobedient Nations and the Wrath of God” in “ Commentaries on International Law and Diplomacy”, published by Authorhouse Co Ltd, Bloomington Indiana, USA
In numerous particulars, there is evidence of Divine anger as it now manifests in very cold weather, torrential rains, howling winds and hurricanes, unprecedented in the history of man, which fumigated scientists, agnostics, agents of Lucifer, categorize as climate change.
It will get progressively worse as the KING OF KINGS, the LORD OF LORDS, reclaims his seas, oceans, land and other properties, HE leased to man, when man was reverent, God-fearing, obedient and prayerful.
I do not doubt that one day the sun will come nearer, as the God, who answers by fire shall direct!!!
The General Assembly of the United Nations should set up a Review Committee to work out the modalities, whereby silly angelic leaders, should be relieved of their posts, when referenda on their ineffectiveness, high- handedness, intolerance of opposing views, insensitivity, corruption ,puerility of thought, become notorious, inglorious and devilish, as was the case of Idi Amin, Jean Bokkassa, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, and sickening aspirants world-wide.
If the UN action is approved by the General Assembly, not by the Security Council, which glaringly seems to have manifested ineffectiveness of late, then, intervention should be carried out by a UN Military High Command, which should be revived.
The End Times should be put under God’s Control. This is the Era of the Gentiles.( E.o. Esiemokhai,1996).
May the world, which belongs to no-one have peace as from today.
So, I decree in the Name of the Father;
So, I decree in the Name of the Son;
So, I decree in the Name of the Holy Ghost, AMEN!!!
The United Nations Organization and Failed World Leaders: Juridical Responsibility for Failed State Syndrome
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