A Skid Along Adultery Lane: A True-Life Story!

by Felix-Abrahams Obi

As she walked up the stairways, my doctor friends bated their eyelids in surprise. Her tight trousers accentuated her sculpted body curves and her long hair dropped gently on her shoulders. No one could see the twinkle in her eyes as they were covered with trendy dark glasses. My friends hadn’t seen such a classy woman within the House Officers Lodge walk up into my flat in a long while. She enjoyed the rays from the roving eyes that looked and none of my colleagues knew she was a married woman. Shouts of ‘Old boy, dat babe fine no be small oh’ filtered into the air above her.

After the gentle tap, I opened the door and she walked in. Omenesa; she really was beautiful and she knew it and did her best to make the beholder know that she knew she’s beautiful! I picked up my ‘PP” bag with my infra red lamp and other stuff I used for treating patients in need of private physiotherapy services. It was a long drive from the city to her parents abode, about 5 kilometers journey. Her brother had fractured his hip bone, and after the surgery by the surgeon, he needed rehabilitation to get back on his feet again. That was my duty, and I had gained enough experience as a Therapist to be able to handle that.

We talked freely during the long journey and she opened up about her family life to me. I never really asked her but she told me anyway. She had met her hubby, Steve in a flight from London while on a trip with her Oyinbo lover as a teenager. Her lover’s Oyinbo parents would not have an African girl for a daughter-in-law and this devastated her. Steve had surrendered his seat and swapped with her like any gentleman would to allow the ‘couple’ to sit together during the flight. When she ran into Steve later in Nigeria after the relationship with her Oyinbo lover had ended, Omenesa and Steve hit it off, and soon got married. It was the best thing that could have happened to her after losing out in the earlier romance. She thanked goodness for bringing her into an influential family; Steve’s dad was a well-respected politician and powerful statesman who played a major role in the fight for Nigeria‘s independence.

I thought marrying someone like Steve would have made her happy, but from the tone of her voice, the marriage was far from the glitter of gold. Her car was pretty old and didn’t match her beauty. She told me disparaging things about the hubby, and I was too shocked to hear her cut her him to pieces. I don’t really know why, but she enjoyed my company and told me very personal things that made me a bit uncomfortable. As the familiarity grew, she invited me to her home and I met her two lovely and beautiful kids; but hubby was never really at home most of the time. He spent time with the boys playing golf and puffing their cigars.

Overtime, her fondness for me seemed to have grown and could easily pick up the sexual innuendos, real and imagined. She was young and pretty and possibly within my age bracket except that she got married in her late teens and we were in our late 20s then. Funny enough, I was enjoying the attention too, and who wouldn’t like the smile of a beautiful woman that made the heads of men turn upon sighting her? But I thought about the consequences of having an extra-marital affair ;the lies to cover up ones sins, the hypocrisy and betrayal of trust, the emotional damage it brings, the desecration of the hallowed family institution, the scandals it engenders and the negative impact on children.

I had to wish for an end to the regular trips to treat her brother, whom I had overtime developed a bond with. I had also become friends with her father, whom she seemed not to respect. And if I went all the way with her, will I not end up and be treated with disdain like her dad and hubby? Maybe she is at war with men, but an affair with its entire thrill wouldn’t have helped me or her in the long run. So at the risk of being labeled naïve and prudish in disposition, I had to beat a retreat. We never had chitchats again until I left that city for good. Thank God the intimate talks ended only in the car.!

Nuggetic Tips!

– Be extra careful during periods of emotional challenges when affirmation from another helps your ego and sense of self-esteem. Those are times you are most vulnerable.

– Everyone loves to be intimate with someone special; usually a spouse, and looks for an alternative when the spouse is emotionally unavailable or distant.

– A man will always notice a beautiful woman, and his heart may move at any point as he gets to know her closely. He would do himself some good, if he retraces his steps, and retract his heart’s affection for her as soon as possible.

– The journey from a simple wholesome relationship to an affair starts with an imperceptible skid; you become emotionally hooked before it becomes a full-blown extra-marital affair. So keep watch over your eyes and allow your head to checkmate your heart!

– Take the risk of opening up to your partner should you notice that your heart is emotionally drifting away from him or her. Openness and frank communication is the foundation stone for building a relationship that is founded and sustained by trust.

– It’s never too late to retrace your step if you’ve unwittingly or wittingly landed yourself in the quagmire of extra-marital affairs. It’s always better to repair a damaged and collapsed bridge than to forsake the road through which you built and have traveled to enjoy the treasures of a beautiful relationship in the past.

– Finally, trust that God’s grace will always be available when you slip and fall by the wayside. He is able to clean you up, and restore you back though it might involve going through a path less traveled. A bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush. Fight to protect and preserve the most important relationships in your life.

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1 comment

OMON July 10, 2008 - 7:17 pm

na wao,marriage and infidelity are difficult issues to really discuss,wll done anyway


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