Again, History Beckons Barack Obama in Cuba

by Yahaya Balogun

“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit”. – Harry Truman

Consequentially, Obama’s visit to Havana, Cuba is historic and reconciliatory. Cuba is the largest island and country in the Caribbean. Cuba is a pariah nation positioned in both northern and western hemisphere. It is situated in the northwestern Caribbean engulfed by the Atlantic Ocean, Straits of Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Cayman Trench and the Caribbean Sea. It is a communist state isolated from the rest of the civilized world with impoverished citizens. Obama’s historic visit to Cuba as the first sitting president of the United States to have visited the Island, in more than 80 years will open a new vista to growth and development of the Cuban economy.

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The restoration of America diplomatic relations with its age-long adversary is another first in Obama doctrine, a doctrine that describes one or several principles of the foreign policy of U.S. President Barack Obama. Mr Castro and Mr Obama were congenial but had some disagreements about human rights. Obama is a positivist. Historically, President Obama seems to have learned optimism in the school of positivism. He is opening a new chapter in Cuban history with a renew admonition to President Raul Castro for the expansion of human rights in Cuba. President Obama reassures Cuban people that though “we have decades of profound differences” but he believes that “change will occur with time”.

The world evolves every time, and revolves around some crucial issues that need crucial and strategic timing; and decision-making by an envisioned leadership. President Obama is a brave man, a glorified warrior who likes to walk where others fear to thread. He is a smart and intelligent individual who believes in the possibility of impossibility. He tamed and killed Osama Bin Laden in a stealthy manner, Osama Bin Laden, a terrorist who was a nightmare to a beleaguered world. Obama laundry list of achievements speaks for itself. Obama is a silent warrior; a smart guy who sees beyond his peers and other contemporaries. Another name for vintage and quintessential Obama is History!

From cradle to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood, the crescendo of man is a (product) creation of his own fortune and misfortune. The man’s mind is the engine that propels his success and failure. History is a preceptor. It teaches man the lessons of life. Life is 10% of what is wrong with man; the remaining 90% is what man makes of it to right his wrong. We are the builders of our own future.

Obama has etched his name in the sands of time. A visionary man who believes in the rectitude of judgement; rightness of principle and conduct; moral virtue and good values for all. Some people may not appreciate his humanism now, but posterity is undoubtedly on his side. Obama has discountenanced to dwell on the mistakes of the past; he is using this 21st century democracy to reshape the 19th century bureaucracy.

History is bunk. It teaches big lessons. Obama has nothing to burden his mind as his parental and leadership dispositions clearly reveal his legacy. Obama is not a soldier but he commands the psyche of batallion soldiers and civilians across the globe. No wonder the Prime Minister of Britain wishes Obama had come from Europe! Obama is a quintessential human being.

President Obama is a circumstantial man in the United States’ history, a man who is using his circumstances to his own advantage. In spite of stiff opposition and obstructionism of the Republican party, Obama remains steadfast, firm and resolute in faith and in unity of purpose. The cumulative insults and rhetorics of his self-avowed political adversaries; have produced a vulgar-recalcitrant leading presidential candidate in the history of the United States. A menace whose divisiveness and hate campaigns have gone out of hand. Barack Obama is a man who has aspired to the zenith of success and achieve it by dint of hard work, focus and unequaled ambition.

I have read so many books and essays on the enigmatic Obama. My inference from these books is one that surmises his simple persona. The uniqueness of his approach to difficult issues is second to none. It is worthy of emulation.

Obama, simple with candor; lucid with integrity; distinct with sense of inclusiveness; honest with love; imbued with intelligence, brilliance and confidence which has made him to stand out among his predecessors. The combination of all these atrributes make him a rare gift to mankind. Obama speaks extemporaneously about issues and eventually comes out victorious. Barack Obama’s bank of coolness is unmatched amongst his contemporaries. His life and success stories are parts of the American exceptionalism and unique history. His residence in the White House has brought more glamor, honor and love to the most secured, powerful and simple but magnificient house in the world.

Outside of the United States, Obama is revered and loved; within the country, he is a political star, his political diva and majestic outlook are blithe. He is a resource for Hollywood movie producers; an imaginative and authentic figure for authors and freelance writers. Obama is a menace for those who cannot use their brains to solve common sense problems to achieve common sense solution.

Children are more of his friends than adults. Children see in him a loving father who exemplifies the joy of childhood and fatherhood. He brings himself to their positions with kindred spirit. A simple president Obama who saunters with swagger and elegance to the admiration of his friends, admirers and foes.

President Obama is just like Harry Truman (1884-1972), who during his inauguration preached peace and tolerance. Truman was the 33rd president of the United States. Truman’s legacy lives on in our collective memory. Responsible leader should be yearning for a united nations, not pandering to the fears and concerns of the people.

Those who suffer from intellectual catacomb will find it difficult to discern Obama’s intentions, resourcefulness and grace. Obama is a fallible human being with remorseful mind. He is a man with one love and peace in his heart; one love that neutralizes one million hatreds around him. In years to come, Obama will continue to be a menace and nightmare to his adversaries who have refused to use their innate intelligence. President Obama’s kind and loving heart is his biggest providential asset and devine gift. Obama, a child of both tumultuous circumstances and amorous history is making another history in Cuba. He existentially romanticizes with history, and history beckons on him.

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