Milsovic and Karadzic have paid the supreme price for the arrogance of power. The verdict of history is always long in coming. So, will other political criminals in all nations.
The Bosnian war, the Iranian/Iraq war, the Iraq war and all those behind them or who orchestrated them still await the verdict of history. “Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to one another”. We are watching and waiting.
The arrogance of power leads inexorably to awful omissions and commissions which nations and individuals later regret.
With regards the Iraqi war, arrogance of power, superiority complex of judging nations were the remote and immediate causes of the present world disorder.
In 2003, I wrote a book on the Iraqi crisis entitled “ International Law and Diplomacy in the Iraqi Crisis”. As a visiting Professor in International Law at the Max Planck Institute of International Law and Foreign Public Law in Heidelberg, Germany, I presented the book to many professors and Law students at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. We all agreed that disastrous consequences would flow from arrogance of power. Many Arab students at the University of Heidelberg attended my public lecture on the “Iraqi Crisis” in 2004 – 2005.
Some Iraqi students were very bitter that their leader, Saddam Hussein was murdered in circumstances of utmost brutality. His neck was cut in two. They lamented the disbanding of the Iraqi army and the hardship the families of Iraqi soldiers had to endure.
To add insult to national injury, Saddam statue had been shown on CNN, as it was pulled down and had been repeated by CNN ever since.
“Hegemonism does not respect other non-Caucasian leaders”. Ali Mohammed said. In dealing with us, their arrogance is always plan.
The killing of Maumar Gaddafi and the threat to kill Assad by sponsored rebels seem to rightly or wrongly create the impression in the Arab youth that the “west” has motives difficult to understand.
Some of the Arab and other jihadists believe that they are fighting a just struggle. That non-Arab youth go to Syria to die is very touching. These were those who were retrenched after they served in Afghanistan and Iraq. These youths were just infants when Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi were killed. For them to nurse so much revenge consciousness cannot be attributed only to radicalization by Muslim preachers.
Discrimination, alienation, non-acceptance, lack of opportunities, doing menial jobs, lack of good education, jobs and psychological disposition are formidable, gnawing factors.
The Skykes/Pique Treaty of 1900, which divided the Arab world into British and French influence, the oil policy of the various regimes, the failure of the integration policy in Europe, selling homes in Europe to Arabs are…
In an ex-Cathedra disquisition on the terrorism saga world-wide, I told the January session of BOSAS INTERNATIONAL BUREAU, Abuja that throughout modern history, hegenonism has always lost. In indo-China, in Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Grenada, Congo, Persia, Latin America, Africa, in Poland, Hungary, Guatemala, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc. Imposition of the form of government advocated failed.
Later lamentations and “had we known” are unhelpful. The “regime change doctrine”, “the axis of evil” speech, the anti-communist campaign in the USSR, Cuba, Indo-China, which gulped billions of dollars and millions of human beings, came to naught.
Obama is in Cuba to reverse the idiocy of political hegemonism. Marco Rubio failed to win Florida because he could no longer flog the anti-Cuban hysteria.
The time to stop Trump is now. He frightens other states by his unpolished political diatribe and unguarded riposts. From Munich’s Bierhalle to the Wehrmatch, Adolf Hitler used the same racist speeches and caused pain to the world. Those Americans who are cheering “SIEGE HAIL”, like those in us congress who gave a standing ovation to the “axis of evil speech” and the disbandment of the Iraqi innovation, “operation of awe and shock” are now remorseful of the disastrous consequences of the power politics they supported in 2002.
The CNN will report with glee the Trump triumph and later lament their glib broadcasts. As of now, the “Calamity News Network deals with the rich and powerful.
CNN and its News Coverage
CNN (The Calamities News Network), this is how I see the world news leader. Its skillful promotion of the anti-Christ agenda of making human misery “hot” news. This is repeated so often, you want to switch off.
While Richard Quest tells us about the number of billionaires in the world, he ignores the hungry Billions in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
On the other hand, eloquent and vibrant “Persian princess” Christian Amanpour only recognizes as humans worth any attention only Presidents, top politicians and” who is who in the world”. We have never heard from the hoi poloi, the ordinary men and women in the world, who deserve some attention for they too have their stories.
Amanpour’s recent interview with French demagogue/philosopher on the Arab political scene was a disaster. Bernard is still supporting NATO killing of Ghaddafi.
The way news is presented by the new crop of CNN anchors one would think that only news about terrorism and disasters matter.
It is well-known that in the Era of the anti-Christ. Governments and states will evolve “theories” like “regime change” the axis of evil” , recognition of radical opposition”, and moderate rebels” in order to fan the embers of tumult in the world. Afraid of the “axis of evil” doctrine and the way it was used against Saddam Hussein of Iraq, Muamar Ghaddafi of Libya and Assad of Syria, it was only sensible for Iran, North Korea to arm themselves to the teeth, with nuclear weapons.
They have gone over the bend in their nuclear pursuit. The Russian intervention in Syria, halted the hegemonic practice of dictating, who will rule in Syria.
The Hitlerite push by Trump to seize power in America is worrisome. His policy proclamations signal the coming of belligent governance, as the center-piece of the world politics. The consequences will be too much to contemplate. The CNN will be elated to broadcast weird news of the death and destruction that will happen with glee.
CNN airs curious and laughable programmes under the generalized motion that “Africa is one country”. The themes for discussion are infantile, insulting, demeaning and denigrating. Richard Quest once came to Nigeria and went to the back streets of Oshodi and other out-of –the –way dilapidated slums. Erin Burnett once spent two years showing the down-town areas of various African slums from Cape Town to Cairo. What is bad publicity about Africa in aid of?
One would ask oneself, can a healthy mind only enjoy news about wars, demonstrations, social disorder and the rhetorics of anti-Christ politicians and wicked souls.
The way the news of the Norwegian idiot and mass murderer in Norway, was handled was sensational. Five years later, he still shows Hither salutes. His treatment has triggered similar actions by young sons of satan world-wide.
The Calamity News Network (CNN) is carrying out its nefarious assignment of promoting mayhem, crisis, deaths and disorder in the world.
The CNN broadcasters depict hilarious mien, when presenting sad news. The false eyebrows do not conceal the tragedies they help to propagate.
It is my learned guess that the CNN tries to dissuade African-Americans from exodus to Africa. Ghana has received a lot of African-Americans. This is laudable, it was Nkrumah’s dream.
In contradistinction to the CNN misguided programmes on Africa, the Chinese donated a whole TV station (CCTV) to Africa.
The world is no longer open to demagogic analysis flowing from the filthy hearts of anti-Christ agents.
In Nigeria, money has destroyed the very soul of politicians, military officers, apostate religionists, tribalsts, who think that they must be the ones to occupy every available post in the nation. They then fail to deliver.
Our “prominent politicians’ and citizens all became rich as a result of crooked dealings, looting the treasury and being proud of it.
Hegemonism has no conscience. It is unfeeling and conceited. To continue to show the pulling down of the Iraq leader Saddam Hussein hurts the national pride of Iraqis. It is a deeply radicalizing factor. The terrorists who caused mayhem in Paris and Brussels were infants when Saddam was killed. For over ten years they have watched this attack on their national psyche and the disbandment of Iraqi soldiers, their fathers, who remained jobless were then pushed to join ISIS. Does this view sound plausible or are we blinded by arrogance? Does this logic mean anything to hegemonists?
Let every nation have the right to self-determination and not be dictated to by pretenders to knowledge of how God’s world will be run.
In 2014 or thereabout, I published an article in Nigerian’s in entitled, “Mrs. Hillary Clinton US President? I followed that study with another paper entitled, “How and Why She Will Win”.
Donald Trump backed by US dollars jumped into the presidential race. As far as economic matters are concerned, he holds the aces. However, his power politics are propelled by psycho-galvanic reflexes, which are universally seen to be psychotic, Maverick cmd ill-defined.
If Clinton and Trump are their parties’ nominees, Americans must be careful who they vote for in November. North Korea, China, the Arab world could prove difficult in a Trump presidency. Are we going to be safe? SCHEM SCOT NI SHUTIT?
Trumpf’s rhetoric’s are incurably vexatious, tendentious, insatiable, loquacious, insaliable and “ill-defined”; (Professor Omoh Esiemokhai – Press Conference Nigeria, Abuja, March 30, 2016), “aggravating factors” that have stoked the embers of world disorder.
In Beijing, I met a Chinese who was very angry that CNN has a programme, whose sole purpose was to create fear about China and its economy. He complained that Trump is making Chinese fear for future China/US relations. Tien Chang said that if Trump wins, China will demand that America pays back all the loans the US took from China. CNN’s Lu Stout is wiping up fear about China’s future. North Korea is threatening brimstones and other disquieting measures which could have disastrous consequences for the world.
Terrorists feed fat on global disquiet before predatory actions are unleashed on nations and individuals.
I call for a World Conference on Peace before it is too late.
If individuals can assemble bombs in hidden cells, SCHEM SCOT NI SHUTIT? Some batteries now can catch fire!
Two days after Goodluck Jonathan was sworn-in as “president”. I wrote that he was going to run “AGBATA EKE” Republic, meaning, “HUNT AND SHARE”. I wondered how such an important nation would be left to a clueless individual. His inadequacies for governance were plain. Today, the nation is regretting the Criminal Organization that was in charge.
Now the prediction based not on guesswork but strict evidential rules have proved correct.
Every political rascal has had a field day stealing our national wealth and proving arrogant to the bargain. Please ask the Chinese Law enforcers how they would have dealt with our remorseless and shameless public holders. Unlike in Brazil and other states where the people are alive and not overpowered by money, fame and ignorance, the revolution would have been televised. The spirit of “iwolo cominbe” in Nigeria is the result of the cancer of corruption in high places. “Ina ruwanka” let the corrupt be, said Abu. Even “highly placed former rulers got their share. So can talk?
From President Buhari’s broadcast on our looted funds, one thing is clear. There is an urgent need for the declaration of a socio-cratic revolutionary order. This will focus on examining the present porous bureaucracy in place, the level of education of top officials, the nurturing of a political cadre schooled in the school of patriotism to run our country. The era of a little learning that ascends the high office must be stopped. The old colonial system of privileges must be dismantled.
The legal system must be expanded to embrace tenets of French law, Roman jurisprudence, Anglo-American legal order and the German Codes.
The narrow Common Law which was used for colonial administration is no longer suitable for the development of a socio-cratic state.
If we effect minor changes in our Constitution instead of a more suitable legal order, we shall continue to have fake lawyers, corrupt judges, a corrupt bureaucracy and so we can only take a step forward and three steps backward. Those who heartlessly dealt with Nigeria committed crimes beyond pardon.
Fake Awards
Long after the politically – motivated awards, the yawning gap between ignorance and learnedness widens. “Go to the ant thou academic sluggards learn due diligence and be wise”. The recalcitrant recidivists, who are striking defiant postures and the other jackals, will pay the price for infamy.
We shall see who will win and how much Nigeria is in the crucible of Karma and Rebirth and in the maelstrom of revolutionary colloquy.
- Every government document must be signed by three officers and filed at the Presidential Library.
- All ministers must publish their end of the year accounts before receiving new allocation.
- Every Federal and State contract must be published in newspapers.
- Any case that is adjourned three times must be sent to the Supreme Court with explanation for the delay.
- A Law Review Panel of retired Judges and Professors should be set up.
- All prisoners must be fed by their relatives
- All office holders must file quarterly reports of achievement or the lack of it.
- Whistle blowers must be protected and rewarded.
- All National Honours must be invalidated if it is held by a felon or politician, found guilty of fraud.
- Ban those Apostate, religionists, pastors, bishops, imams who serve the devil. Nigeria being a country where people suffer from bad governance, some members of the clergy play on their social disability. As Machiavelli said, “people are so simple minded and trusting, that anyone who wants to deceive will always find people to deceive.”
Government in Nigeria is so complex and demanding of high intellect that guessing, adhocism and commonsense are definitely not enough and we saw these from 1999 – 2015.
Ingenuity shaped by versatility should put an imprimatur on governance. Awards based on political noise-making are unimpressive.
The dismal failure of European integration after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the privatization policies, European governments afforded rich Arab fugitive citizens to buy up European cities like Paris and London, are factors affecting Europe today.
The lack of security to contain jihadist, venomous thinking which was freely spread in the various religious academies, the blunders of the West in Iran and Iraq, Libya and Syria all contributed to precipitate unnatural, disruptive, gullible European youth to join ISIS.
I get mad at placatory speeches by some Presidents and foreign ministers who were clapping over a decade ago, when wrong policies were being propagated. They now cry over spilt milk.
As a student of European political cooperation which have been legally coded and which ensured the progressive development of post-2nd World War Europe, it is amazing for some British politicians to contemplate existing from the European Union.
The Council of Europe, the European Common Market, the European Court of Human Right, the Coal and Steel Community, cannot just be jettisoned because Britain wants to cut an isolation path.
Britain will be more vulnerable to the acts of mean men if it loses the security cooperation the European Union provides. Those with island mentality should have a re-think.
The notion of the free world was used to identify those western states in Europe and America which were not in the Soviet orbit.
That term is now an anachronism just like Republicanism in America.
Donald Trump approves of Putin’s geo-political avant-garde action in Syria against the rebels, who were encouraged to revolt against Assad by the free world. Trump’s geo-political calculations are practical. He wants to re-adapt the Monroe doctrine, “America for the Americans”. He is being assisted by an unsavory partisan – the bombers of Paris, Belgium, Pakistan, Mali, Kenya and Nigeria.
Since Americans cannot cope with social dislocation, they will support Trump’s iconoclastic bombasts. He speaks his mind. He is paying for his campaign. He is not going to take advice from lobbyists, special interests and secrete groups. The impression is gaining ground that “Trump will make America great again”.
Donald Trump operational and political strategies are shaped by the ideas of Hans Morgenthau’s “Power Politics”, and the theories of Claueswitz and my theory of sociocracy. The centre-piece of Trump’s economic policies, he has declared will be characterized by massive job creation.
After the Russian Plenary Session in summer of 2014, Putin reviewed the consequences of allowing the HOCHMUT of the West, which witnessed the killing of Saddam Hussein, replayed in Syria.
Putin then ordered “Ribiata Pohehali”. This led to the “Razgrom” of the sponsored ISIS “Chem chot ni shutit”!
The days of chivalry are back and Sovietism took hold in Syria. America will become a sociocratic society, where consumer demands will be met by consumer surplus. The respect for human right will no longer be a slogan but a reality. Race relations will take on a new coloration as prosperity reaches “white” and “black” alike.
Under Trump, his aides say innovation, scientific concerns, technological growth and a strong dollar will strengthen the sociocratic texture of American society.
Africa will benefit from the Trump presidency, if African leaders show serious attitudes to governing their people and not stealing their wealth.
The hegemonist musings of George Bush, Tony Blair and “the coalition of the willing” led to the formation of geo-politic epithets like “regime change”. “the axis of evil” which writers with asps under their lips put forward as political slogans that have serious consequences now in Iran and North Korea.
The exodus of the Arabs from the Middle East into Western Europe has caused a lot of deaths and misery. God, the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost have been touched by the sight of toddlers trekking for miles going nowhere in particular.
The recent conversion of a Qatari prince and a Singaporean female to Christianity heralds the beginning of Christ’s repossession of the lost souls of his children. Those apostate religionists who dispute the Sonship of JESUS, the Christ are spiritually ignorant. Jesus is coming soon with his angels in bright array.
As a Pastor in the Blood of Jesus Church, I decree that the transformation power of the Risen Christ will soon show the power of the Trinity over satan.
Soon the reign of the Twelve Prophets of God will begin and this will spread to all nations. Amen! Allelujah! –
The world shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH (JESUS) shall set us free.
I was singing the “CREDO” and “JESUS ducis memoria” after the ”Urbi et Orbi” prayer by Pope France, when I entered into cosmic consciousness for a while. The transformation power of the resurrection hit me like a whiplash.
It passed through my mind that those I-satan, I satan (ISIS), who show no mercy in the Middle East must yield to the “Liturgy of the Eucharist” or face the wrath of “Domino Nostrum” . When the children of Israel where wandering in the desert for forty years, it touched the Heart of Jehovah, who then sent his liberation power and freed them.
During the Second World War, the exodus of East Europeans who were terrorized by Hitler received the intervention of God and Hitler was defeated. Evil must yield to the power of God.
The Aquarian Age has entered the Era of the anti-Christ, which is characterized by extreme wicked acts of murder, wars, insecurity and hardship. The world media will have a field “entertaining” sadistic minds by detailed reports of unfolding tragedies.
It is often said that a leading religion is a religion of peace. It is indeed but when I see the pieces that fall out of terrorist bombings, beheadings, arson, desecration of churches, senseless massacre of innocent people and wanton destruction of property and the silence that greets these atrocities, I begin to develop my theories about man’s inhumanity to man. The empirical evidence these violent acts provide have helped in my quest. My interest in Darwin’s evolutionary theory has spread to the field of mental inheritance. I cannot but doubt after watching the events in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Paris, Brussels, Pakistan, and elsewhere, whether Calvary was worth it.
Man has not shown gratitude for the blood that was shed. My pessimism cannot becloud the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ and the victory over evil which is permanent.
In Nigeria, as apostate religionists and roguish politicians and recalcitrant recidivists’ seek to cause confusion and derail the sociocratic revolution, the suffering people of Nigeria will resist their knavery.
As pressure mounts on President Buhari not to condone crimes against the people of Nigeria, the build up to revolutionary action becomes immanent.
The past government leaders swore on Oath to protect, defend and advance the Federal Republic of Nigeria. They swore not to let any territory of Nigeria to be occupied by rebels.
They swore to act honestly and responsibly. They bankrupt the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Their acts are unpardonable. We see the jailing of Olmert, the onetime Prime Minister of Israel, we saw the removal of President Nixon of America, the jailing of Musharaf, the onetime Pakistani leader, the Chinese leaders, who were corrupt, Milosovic and Karadicz for crimes against the people. In South Africa, political opposition and South African citizens condemned their Presidents for misappropriation of funds. The Supreme Court of South Africa, has ruled that Zuma must refund the misappropriated funds. In Nigeria, where the courts have co-opted into the political hierarchy, justice is hard to get as lawyers are recruited to defend injustice for a fee. It will set a very bad example if as a result of political machinations of equally corrupt leaders; anyone who deserves to be punished is set free.