For reasons ranging from my late parents’ Christian tutelage to personal convictions about the inviolable sanctity of the Godhead, I gravitate towards biblical narratives these days as a soothing response …
Promise Adiele
As a popular expression, “enough is enough” conveys multiple meanings that converge under the umbrella of expired patience, prolonged anticlimactic delay, and inevitable exasperation. Ordinarily, when people reiterate “enough is …
“Ambition should be made of sterner stuff” … submitted Mark Anthony during his funeral oration for Julius Caesar. Anthony contends that ambitious people should be cruel, desperate, self-indulgent, and lacking …
Words are powerful whether in written or spoken contexts. They decide and have decided the fate of many people, societies, and groups in human history. Mark Anthony in Shakespeare’s Julius …
Many people vehemently argue with verifiable indices that Nigeria, in addition to being the poverty capital of the world, is also the world’s spiritual headquarters. The level of spirituality in …
By Promise Adiele In a way, one can argue conveniently that coincidence is a divinely orchestrated occurrence where humanity is completely helpless and unaware of the inevitable fissures of existence. …
By Promise Adiele I nostalgically remember a popular refrain in my secondary school days; “Lost but found”. Back then, an item of less value never went missing because nobody needed …
By Promise Adiele It is needless to repeat or chronicle Nigeria’s multi-layered, hydra-headed woes ranging from a moribund economy, evident social dislocations, and unrecognisable political identities. Of course, there is …