Easter: From Babylon, Papacy to our Age

by Eferovo Igho

The Roman Catholic Church Secretariats worldwide have over the years bombarded us through the dailies with write-ups attempting to justify dates and events the Roman Catholic Church sourced from Babylonish traditions and introduced to Christendom. And the appeal, which normally comes during days of such events, is about why people should celebrate these age-long religious concoctions passed to our time from ancient traditions. You do not see similar zeal and effort put into what actually is in Scriptures: that is, in “Thus says the Lord”! Nobody tells us in their writings about salvation from sin; without holiness no man shall see the Lord; the coming great white throne judgement seat of Christ; eternity, either with God in bliss or with Satan in damnation. Nobody in that Secretariat is saying like Paul: “that I may know Him (Christ), and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death” – Philippians 2: 28.

To the Roman Catholic Church and those who have drunken of this particular ‘wine of her fornication’ this period is Easter, and they say it has to do with Jesus Christ; even when Bible says nothing like that, and even when tradition and history say Easter did not only predate Christianity but is totally heathen, and so, hellish and satanic. The common phrase (with little variations) that you would find as you open our standard dictionaries and encyclopaedias as touching the root meaning of the old English word, Eastre, from were they derived the word Easter is this: “From Eostre, goddess of dawn, whose festival was celebrated at the spring equinox”. That started long before Christianity. But something very unfortunate happened:

The King James Version of the Bible says in Acts 12: 4: “And when he had apprehended him (Peter), he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quarternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people”. We all know that the original word that the King James translators of the Bible translated Easter is paschal, referring to the Passover; and correctly translated as such in 26 other places it occurred in Scriptures. The odd translation of paschal as Easter in this only verse of Scriptures confirms Galileo assertion that: the Bible is correct, only its interpreters may be wrong.

Finis Jennings Dake, the very renowned Bible scholar with astonishing insight into Scriptures and arguably the leading Bible commentator of our age tells us about this very strange entrant into this King James Version of the English Bible, and we wish to quote him extensively: “This is an unfortunate and absurd trans., as Easter was a pagan festival observed long before Christ. It is not a Christian name, but is derived from Ishtar, one of the Babylonian titles of an idol goddess, the Queen of Heaven. The Saxon goddess Eastre is the same as the Astarte, the Syrian Venus, called Ashtoreth in the O.T. It was the worship of this woman by Israel that was such abomination to God (1Samuel 7:3; 1Kings 11:5, 33; 2Kings 23:13; Jeremiah 7:18; 44:18). Round cakes, imprinted with the sign of the cross were made at this festival, the sign being, in the Babylonian mysteries, a sign of life. Easter eggs which play a great part in this day’s celebration were common in all heathen nations. The fable of the egg declares that ‘an egg of wondrous size fell from heaven into the river Euphrates; the fish rolled it to the bank, where doves settled upon it and hatched it; and out came Astarte, or Ishtar, the goddess of Easter’. Easter, Christmas, Lady Day, Lent and other Babylonian festivals were all borrowed from this religion and were all observed centuries before Christ. None of them have any relationship to Christ or Christianity”.

Going by various names depending on the clime and age researchers have been able to tell us she (Ashtoreth, the so-called Queen of Heaven) was the Cybele among Phrygians; Ma among Cappadocians; Atargatis and Astarte among the Phoenicians; Ishtar among Assyrians and Babylonians. She is the Diana of the Ephesians (Acts 19: 24-35) “whom all Asia and the whole world worship”. She is Semiramis, “legendary Assyrian queen, traditionally the founder of Babylon and Nineveh, worshipped as a dove and later identified with Ishtar” – The New Lexicon Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language.

Between the two books: The Two Babylons and The Mystery of Babylon Revealed by Alexander Hislop and Ed Mitchell et al respectively, the history of Babylon with the story Semiramis (the wife of the very wicked Cush) who later had her son Nimrod as husband is well told. Indeed, according to Mitchell et al, Nimrod “secretly worked up an evil system with his father and mother to CONTROL humanity by the occult, politics and a super counterfeit religion”. Nimrod built the great city of Babylon “WHERE ALL THE OCCULT PRACTICES ORIGINATED: astrology, tarot cards, witchcraft, divination and many others”, and indeed “became Satan’s main man”. Nimrod was to marry his beautiful and seductive mother and through this incestuous marriage Satan created his masterpiece of false religion and of course, “idolatry, devil worship and sexual immorality were practiced OPENLY”. When Nimrod died Satan worked through his mother/wife, Semiramis, to give the world “the most insidious, diabolical scheme”. This mother/wife of Nimrod announced that her dead son/husband was god – the sun god, Baal, and she set up Baal worship and declared herself a goddess and Queen of Heaven with the moon as her symbol; and if Nimrod is god then she is the mother of god! According to Mitchell et al: “This religion that began with Mother Babylon was filled with demon worship, and consisted of the worship of a “virgin mother,” the doctrine of purgatory, Lent, priests in black garments, confessionals, a pope, nuns, the sign of the cross, use of the rosary, and various other doctrines and rites. THESE ARE DOCTRINES OF DEMONS.”

All of that passed down from Babylon, through various empires after it, to the Roman empire, and from there to the Roman Catholic Church especially through Constantine who, with his 313 A.D. Edict of Milan, merged paganism and idolatry with Christianity, and so it is no surprise that that church has come to shroud what Mitchell et al calls “the simplicity of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ” with “centuries of dogma, doctrine, sacraments, theological sophistication, liturgies, novenas and intellectualism and scholasticism”, and traditions that are totally strange to God’s word. Babylon means ‘confusion’ and Babel ‘gateway of the gods’! In his A Bible Treasury, William R. McGraith, a leading Anabaptist/Mennonite writer says that “the principle of Babylon is confusion, to mix God’s People with the world. Babylonian religion is syncretistic, ecumenical”, and for almost twenty thousands years now the Roman Catholic Church has been the chief vehicle for taking this ‘wine of fornication’ of ‘Babylonianism’ to the lax church.

Easter (Eastre, Eostre) is Ishtar and is of Semiramis; totally Christ-less, none of God and Satanic. Of course, a keen student of the Bible would notice that virtually all English translations of the Bible after the King James Version have adopted the correct word, Passover, for Acts 12: 4. The safest thing to do really in Christianity is to dash away from anything, including all traditions and practices, not rooted in the only Scripture of life: The Holy Bible; for whatsoever thing not sanctioned by Scriptures but embraced by men for no matter how long, has source in Semiramis and Nimrod, and this Babylonish religion set up by Satan through them, which religion infiltrated Israel then, and now entrenched in th

e lax church: the church that will not stay with Bible and BIBLE ALONE.

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