There are interesting developments between the United States and Nigeria with regard to California State and Lagos State.

Silicon Valley (
California State and Lagos State are bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean respectively. They are the richest states of the U.S. and Nigeria respectively.
There is a Victoria Island in California there is as well a Victoria Island in Lagos State.
Californians and Lagosians have had great cause to mark the date September 9. In the case of California September 9 marks the admission (1850) of California to the Union of the United States. In the case of Lagos it marks the birthday of Buba Marwa, the most popular military administrator of Lagos State (born 1953).
California and Lagos lead in IT and the entertainment industries of U.S. and Nigeria respectively.
In California there was Leland Stanford, born March 9, 1824, a pioneering business man, lawyer and philanthropist who lost a son. Stanford kept dogs, bred award-winning horses and had a deep interest in farm machinery. Relatedly, in Lagos we have Subomi Balogun, born March 9, 1934, a lawyer, pioneering banker and philanthropist. He also lost a son. Like Stanford, Balogun loves animal life and agriculture. Balogun keeps ostriches, rabbits, goats and grasscutters. He also loves cultivating food crops.
Stanford was governor of California and Balogun’s influence looms large over Lagos State for most of the managing directors of banks in Nigeria and senior managers once worked under him.
In California we have Steve Jobs born February 24, 1955. Much talked about, business mogul he rose from grass to grace. Jobs was known to walk long distances for free meals provided by the adherents of Hare Krishna. Born of a Muslim father he had an aversion for television and has been described as a technology evangelist.
In Lagos we have Jimoh Ibrahim, born February 24 1967, known for his phenomenal rise in the business world and known for eating on credit as an undergraduate. Also born of a Muslim father, he has an aversion for video films and has been described as a motivational speaker.
Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College which has the only nuclear facility operated by students whereas Jimoh Ibrahim finished at the Obafemi Awolowo University which had Nigeria’s only programme in nuclear engineering.
In California we had William Randolph Hearst born April 29 1863 into Mass Communication a Major seller of Advertising space, a multi millionaire whereas in Lagos State we have Mike Adenuga born April 29 1953, into Telecommunications, a major buyer of Advertisement, a Billionaire.