This writer is from Igbemo town in Ekiti State. The state of intelligentsia. A state with the fountain of knowledge being ruled by artful dodger(Fayose) who nocuous(ly) continues to pickpocket our collective wallets.
When in the twilight of my school days as a Literature student in High school, we read a book titled: “Our Husband Has Gone Mad Again” authored by erudite Playwright Ola Rotimi, I never knew that decades after, our governor will be the lead actor of this predictive Literature book.

Ayo Fayose
It is high time we invoked the spirit of Gani Fawehinmi and pour libations on the graveyard of Sam Aluko to the Ekiti State’s rescue. Who are the available Agbagbas (Elders) at home to convene local emergency meetings to checkmate my governor Ayodele Fayose on this famished road?
It was headlined few days ago that my governor Ayodele Fayose was in far away China with the sole aim (impossible mission) to discredit President Buhari’s efforts at revamping Nigerian economy. He will not succeed in his archaic or primitive garrulity to put Nigeria in the unnecessary spotlight. This unschooled governor forgot that China is a hegemonic economy. His antics would be a comic relief to the Chinese government and the People’s Republic of China. The good thing is that, President Muhammadu Buhari has maintained his mien as a focused man with a mission. He sees Fayose as a drowning man trying to survive in his own political debris.
Nigerians are wiser these days except for the few wrongly wired and fixated individuals. This is not Babangida or Jonathan or Obasanjo era where religion, corruption and grandstanding were used as social weapons to divide our people. Egbon Fayose needs to be schooled in the hall of fame. You can only become infamous by being a nuisance in this age of globalization.
In a globalized world, seeking knowledge is a choice. Nigerian youths are more concerned about economic and social issues. They see what their counterparts enjoy in terms of social amenities and job opportunities around the world. Ekiti is one of the poorest states in the Union-Nigeria. Our governor should have reasoned on how to provide jobs and qualitative education for my people instead of this show of shame.
Nigeria’s political clime is only dotted with sociopaths who attract friends and followers so easily as a result of poverty. But underneath, they are unable to feel empathy for any other living being. They have a hole in them where a sense of shame or guilt should be. They are obsessed with competition and penchant for winning election at all cost. Despite the fact that these sociopaths have acquired wealth illegally, inside them is void. They live in nothingness which ultimately leads to lives devoid of joy and happiness. Examples abound everywhere in Nigeria.
My governor Ayodele Fayose, undoubtedly needs help at this auspicious period of his life. He needs to be educated in the school of decorum. His antics seem not ordinary anymore. He seems to suffer from serious political and mental imbalance. My governor is in a state of perpetual hallucination of those who are not his enemies. Fayose has gone rogue again. Buhari has become his nemesis that continues to give him insomnia with sustained amnesia.
Buhari is our governor’s nightmare that has prevented him from using his own endowed intelligence. My governor is frolicking in the whirlwind of self-demolition and self-destruction. Ekiti state is suffering from this man’s grandstanding and shenanigans. Fayose is our own albatross in Ekiti- Nigeria. The trouble-shooter shares some narcissistic behaviors.
The council of elders in Ekiti needs to convene urgent local meetings, to embark on rescue a mission to salvage our beloved brother from self-immolation in the filthy and besmirched politics of Nigeria. A man with dangling cases of corruption, and other political malpractices on his head should be asked to tend it softly! softly!!
We love egbon to veer away from this famished road and self-perfidy to a reasonable decorum; we want Ekiti to progress. We are getting tired of his unwarranted negative national spotlight. We are thoroughly being embarrassed by his needless tantrums.
Softly, softly, Egbon Fayose! There is life after and even, beyond the government house.