Ruth leaves her Root for the Root of Jesse 1: Steadfastness and Vision!

by Eferovo Igho

When both Ruth and Orpah left Moab with Naomi for Canaan, little did Ruth know that hers was an eternal step with God she was taking, whilst Orpah couldn’t see that she was returning to eternal damnation. Ruth saw Naomi and all she represented; but saw beyond that. She saw her people and her God. Yet, beyond that: She saw herself as belonging to that people and that God. And there was no separating her from that, no matter the odds against that. Hers was unparalleled faith that made her one of the Savior’s forebear; forebear of The Root of Jesse, in the flesh Jesus Christ or when He came as Emmanuel: Who is God eternally. This Moab’s Ruth as forebear: Think about it!

And the story of Ruth takes so many flanks, each representing so great lessons for Christians, legacies left for Christendom of great prices. We take one or few of them presently and it is told in poetry:

Two they were set for Canaan and who Moab’s root left
With Guide-Naomi, thought joint-choice never to be cleft,
This, being walk of sisters-in-law with one so dear!
So set out the twosome en route Canaan that’s here,
With her who has been there afore and came from thence;
Like Jesus Who’s been There afore and came from Thence,
Who pilgrims must walk with to eternal haven!
The duo’s walk typifying our walk to heaven:
These, one Orpah, the other Ruth, tell our faith race.
With one, flesh played on soon, thus played she Lot wife’s place.
Orpah, meaning ‘gazelle’ wavered, looking backward,
And thus missing her ‘good recompense of reward’!
Like her name were her ways: ‘swift’, but not for good name;
Swift in deciding, swift in annulling the same:
So always when Moab those Canaan bound stops and lures.
But Ruth by faith Canaan saw with divine allures,
Its people, its God by rare faith hers, doubting not,
Her lodging, sepulcher fixed whilst there she’s been not.
By this faith, eternity with God securing,
By same the Root of Jesse’s forebear becoming.
So to Naomi she cleaved, her name meaning ‘friendship’:
And won’t backward go despite Orpah ‘jumping ship’;
Despite tempting recoil by one in warm closeness;
Regardless of seemingly glaring hopelessness;
And in spite of dispiriting pleas from Naomi!
O great Gentile faith that bonds the Root of Jesse!
How it reminds of Christ’s poser: “Will you also go”!
And Peter’s blessed response: “To whom shall we go?”
For recall how all left Him safe brethren so true,
Who ready they were to yon Canaan’s way walk through;
Though way narrow, it walked they for great recompense,
Not by flesh but the Spirit, Him their deference.
O that we may in Ruth’s; nay, Peter’s stead this say:
“Thou has Words of eternal life”, and with Him stay
In friendship of obedience to our Great Guide’s Word .
In attachment to Him, detachment from the world.
Vision of heaven! Christ us give to firm make us,
That yon City with Foundation we may see thus.
O vision, steadfastness to see our Redeemer,
The Gracious Root of Jesse, Who lives forever!
And when in the Rapture Your own You come taking,
Here met whether in their sepulchers or ‘lodgings’
May our bodies mortal, wear immortality;
Partake in the Great Flight to Great Eternity;
Dwell in ‘lodgings’ dumping not into sepulchers;
Mansions and components senses can’t sense ever;
Homes by You stuffed and secured, and You their Essence,
Thus forever sublime in Your very Presence!
And Your saints conjoined with Your angels evermore:

The Root of Jesse both to worship and adore!

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