Even God Is Not A Judge

by Oliver Mbamara

About a year ago, I was at a social gathering of lawyers in New Jersey, and while the learned gentlemen ate ‘pounded-yam’ and ‘egwusi,’ plus ‘isi-ewu’ and drank to some cheerful mix of evening drinks, a discussion bothering on the above topic ensued. My stand on the issue left me in a solitary camp. Almost all my learned colleagues joined the camp opposing my view. However, one gentleman and two ladies on the table chose to objectively listen as we aired our very contrasting views. I had taken the stand that God does not judge us (human beings) because during creation, he did set in place the law that will govern life regardless of time, place or who was involved. I also maintained that by the same token, no man should judge another, since the laws of life will always deliver.

My learned colleagues vehemently disagreed with my point of view, adding that they could not believe that I of all people (as an Administrative Law Judge) would make such an argument. But I was neither arguing nor was I speaking as a Judge or about human laws. I was only making a statement of spiritual fact, which for the sake of discussion could be called my opinion or viewpoint. It is normal for a human judge to interpret human laws and make judgmental decisions against another human being who has been charged with breaking the laws which human beings have set to maintain peace and order in the society. However, it is beyond a human being – be him a judge or not – to judge others on issues of life or spirituality and thereby make conclusions about those other persons. In fact, such would amount to a spiritual offence against oneself.

Candidly, I was not surprised by the reaction of my colleagues then, and as I write this piece, I expect more reactions from readers. The reason is simple. Whenever you make God or religion the subject of a discussion among different people, there will always be differing viewpoints because every individual is a different consciousness. All could be right in their views, yet, with an open mind, one could find the ultimate truth in another’s view. No man can rightfully claim the monopoly of knowledge, especially of God and religion. Even Socrates said – “I know nothing but the fact of my ignorance.”

Yes, God neither judges nor punishes us. Some leaders of today’s innumerable orthodox religions may disagree with me here. It is expected, but the truth is that creation in this lower world is complete. God did set down the laws of this universe in the beginning during creation. Many call this law by many names – spiritual law, supernatural law, law of life, law of nature, law of existence, etc. Regardless of what name it is called, the agreeable fact is that this law applies fairly and impartially to all without regard to one’s race, color, tribe, gender, wealth, popularity, or status in society. As I stated in my new book – The Flame of Love, “…this justice never waivers, every item must be accounted for, and the records cannot be falsified.” Consequences of every action are impartially and automatically meted out as ‘rewards’ (not necessarily ‘punishments’). It is written, “Be not deceived, for God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he reap.”

With such grand divine machinery set in place, why would the Almighty God in all His majesty descend to the level of involving Himself in trifling matters concerning some trivial atom, or a person? Nevertheless, it is pertinent to mention the paradox that although God does not involve Himself in events in this world, God is involved with all in this world.

It is also written – “Judge not lest thou be judged.” Distinction must be drawn here between three classifications of judgment bothering on law, morality and spirituality respectively. (1) Judgment of a human being by another (an official) authorized to so judge, based on the laws of society, where the one on trial has been charged with the breaking of the law of society set up by men. (2) Condemning another person’s moral principle. (3) Judging another on an issue that bother’s on that other person’s spiritual life and not on the laws of society. A situation where one has been invited or authorized to give constructive criticism should be excluded from the last two instances (moral and spiritual judgments). Generally speaking, one should not make oneself a judge over another without invitation or authorization.

A person who engages in the judgment of another person thereby exposes his own ignorance. Such judgment could manifest as gossip, rumormongering, inferiority complex, jealousy, and vanity – which goes before a fall. It could manifest as hatred and anger, which is an expression of the lack of love, patience, understanding and prejudice (an opinion formed without adequate knowledge). It would pay one to live his life with the much love he could muster, rather than be quick in judging others and making conclusions based on limited or biased knowledge of life and spirit.

God is love and loves all creation equally and unconditionally. God gave us life and does not derive any joy in punishing, killing, discriminating against or destroying any of his creation. It would not only be illogical to expect God to engage in such triviality, but it would also suggest a diminution of the supreme qualities of God (Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience), and I will not make such proposition.


In the beginning, the law was there,
To guide and keep man everywhere,
Regardless of the crown we wear.

God completed with all creation,
Including laws to guide creation,
Cause and effect, action and reaction.

Equal to deeds that we have done,
In exact ration to what we’ve done,
The law pays us for what we’ve done.

God will not descend that low indeed,
To involve His grace with our daily deeds,
For the law is in place to judge our deeds.

God does love and live in all,
And judges none of man at all,
For the laws of God exist for all.

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